New technologies and measuring standards are available in well construction activities. This data gathering accompanied by infrastructure for telecommunications and data storage, opens new opportunities to the decision making process, using data in a "just in time" basis. This is not an evident opportunity, mainly because it requires the usage of the data itself, integrated to the expertise in analyzing it by multidisciplinary teams to achieve the right decision at the right moment. A worldwide growing tendency is in application development to optimize well construction process in 3 ways, namely. i) improving planning process and risk assessment, ii) improving operation performance at the rig (not just safety systems and emergency alarms), and iii) decision making at office while drilling, integrating expertise from geoscientists, drilling engineers in a visualization environment, that allows to visualize the well in geological models during the construction process. A common approach in operator companies is to present data to multidisciplinary teams that evaluate, consolidate, compare to planned situation, decide and update models upon gathered information, to support operations at the rig. PDVSAs strategy at this moment includes the creation of an Information Technology infrastructure to register drilling operations, at rig and at the office, to use it for risk assessment while planning future wells, The process to use and integrate this information is still in definition, and consider a platform to support collaboration of multidisciplinary teams in order to: record and deliver plans, documents Who is Who, workflows, and enables Knowledge Management (use and availability of lessons learned and best practices) to the team, to document and support final decisions and process, and allow collaborative design where final decisions could be defined during operations according to real well conditions.