After having realized a psychological evaluation to a group of 40 women with breast cancer, a psychological group intervention has been designed and applied to 20 of them, who participated voluntarily. This evaluation consisted in a structured interview and an application of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III), finding personality traits related to difficulties in emotional expression and clinical syndromes that damage personal well-being. Following Millon's theory an integrative psychotherapy is designed and put into practice, and it was provided to 20 women during 12 sessions. In order to check the efficacy of the applied intervention, the scale of emotional intelligence Traid Meta Mood Scale 24, TMMS-24; and two scales of personal well-being, the Diener, Emmons, Larsen y Griffin Scale, ant the Mroczek y Kolarz affect scale, were administrated before and after this intervention. Results showed that women who received the intervention have improved in the regulation of their negative emotions and their personal well-being, while the group of control showed no difference in these variables.