This paper proposes a sputtered deposition-based technology to develop a nanotechnology project into a laboratory activity. This technology can make nanotechnology more appealing to students by enhancing the attractiveness of engineering curricula. In laboratory activity, nanotechnology courses using a laboratory platform and physical vapor deposition implemented nanotechnology exploration projects enhance interest and offer sufficient knowledge to students. Such courses can help students to understand nanotechnology concepts and the applications of sputtered deposition-based systems. This nanotechnology exploration project in the form of a laboratory activity has been evaluated successfully based on the evaluation results and responses to questionnaires: students and experts rated the nanotechnology laboratory activity highly, with mean values of 4.093 and 4.263, respectively. As for the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the nanotechnology laboratory activity, questionnaire results showed that the satisfaction levels of experts and students in this study were 0.953 and 0.947, respectively. These results demonstrate the excellent reliability of the survey's internal consistency. Furthermore, more than 78.34% of the students, those with scores over 80, found the laboratory activity learning in the nanotechnology exploration project to be very good or excellent. Moreover, the students obtained very good academic results.