The problem of training the new generation of teachers, able to be actively involved in the implementation of the tasks of modernization of Russia in the XXI century, is of a particular importance at the moment. The level of competence of History and Social Science teachers is essential in solving the problems related to the modernization of the Russian education. The aim of this study is the analysis of technologies aimed at the development of digital competence of pre-service teachers of History. The objective of our study was to examine the level of proficiency in digital technology (computer, tablet computer, smartphone, interactive whiteboard) among pre-service history teachers. The research examines the impact of mobile applications in the classroom on students' motivation, emotional state, and memory. We used a range of research methods: methodological, comparative analysis and synthesis of modern approaches in training sessions at university, analysis of scientific, sociological, pedagogical and methodical literature. We studied the implementation of various approaches, programs, mobile devices on the development of digital competence of students. The results of our student survey indicated that pre-service history teachers have basic digital competencies, and they also demonstrated their readiness for mobile learning. The information obtained will provide guidance and understanding of what strategies and technologies can be used in the classroom in the preparation of history teachers to better meet the needs of students of the new digital age. (C) 2018 Published by Future Academy