Virginia-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea) cultivars were monitored for incidence of Tomato sported wilt virus (TSWV) and abundance of Frankliniella fusca, the tobacco thrips, in North Carolina during 1995 and 1996. A preliminary evaluation of 225 peanut genotypes for TSWV-resistant or -tolerant genotypes was conducted in 1995. The incidence of TSWV in cultivar NC-9 was twice that of cultivar NC-VII. In 1996, field trials designed to evaluate TSWV susceptibility were conducted with three widely grown commercial peanut cultivars in North Carolina. They were NC-9, NC-VII, and NC-12C, a newly released cultivar. A randomized complete block design was utilized at three locations. Disease incidence was evaluated weekly from 2 weeks postplanting until 2 weeks prior to harvest. Mechanical inoculation of the three cultivars resulted in no difference in relative leaf virus titer as determined from optical density readings following DAS-ELISA for 4 successive weeks beginning at 13 days postinoculation. NC-9 ranked highest in incidence of disease (7%), followed by NC-12C (6%) and NC-V11 (5%). Thrips counts were greatest on NC-V11, followed by NC-9 and NC-12C. Disease incidence overall was 5.96%, but ranged from 3.08 to 11.15% among the three sites. Yield was affected by the temporal occurrence of symptoms beginning at the fifth week postplanting. Greatest yield losses occurred in those plants with the earliest visible foliar symptoms.