The screening parameter (Z-S) of a self-consistent field of 1s electrons was experimentally determined for Be, B, and C atoms and for atoms with the number Z <= 9 included in the LiF, Li2CO3, Li4B4O7, B4C, B2O3, H2O, and C2H6O compounds. The determination was made by the experimental dependence of the ratio of the intensities of Rayleigh and Compton scattering on the momentum transfer variable in the range from 0.70 to 1.67 angstrom(-1). For single-component materials, the experimental (Z-S) values correspond to theoretical values for the free atoms. For the atoms bonded in the compound, the (Z-S) value depends on the composition of the compound and characterizes the interaction between electrons. The obtained experimental (Z-S) data were used to calculate the electronegativity of bonded atoms and the deformation of their K-shell was determined.