In view of the remarkable spatial-temporal distribution differences of coal resources in China, the scientific division of coal occurrence has important implications for clarifying the distribution characteristics of coal resources, studying the resources support for regional economic development, and analyzing the trend of coal resource exploration and development. In accordance with the complex conditions of coal field geological structure and the significant deformation of coal-measures, the paper suggested the concepts of coal occurrence tectonic units defined as the tectonic division of coal-measures occurrence with double meaning of tectonic units and coal occurrence units. The authors have established the four-order texture of coal occurrence tectonic units composed of coal occurrence district, coal occurrence tectonic zone, uplift/depression and heave/sag, and discussed the correspondence between coal occurrence tectonic units and tectonic units and coal occurrence units. Based on this concept, the authors have divided the China's coal occurrence tectonic units into five coal occurrence districts (Northeast China, North China, South China, Northwest China, and Yunnan-Tibet) and 82 coal occurrence tectonic zones, and have summarized the coalfield structures characteristics and the coal-measures occurrence regularity of five coal occurrence districts. The division of coal occurrence tectonic units supplies the dependable geological basement for coal resources exploration and development layout planning in China.