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Antigen recognition by serum antibodies in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) experimentally infected with Mycobacterium bovis
Waters, WR
Palmer, MV
Bannantine, JP
Whipple, DL
Greenwald, R
Esfandiari, J
Andersen, P
McNair, J
Pollock, JM
Lyashchenko, KP
[1] USDA ARS, Natl Anim Dis Ctr, Bacterial Dis Livestock Res Unit, Ames, IA 50010 USA
[2] Chembio Diagnost Syst Inc, Medford, NY USA
[3] Vet Sci Div, Dept Bacteriol, Belfast, Antrim, North Ireland
[4] Statens Serum Inst, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
D O I:
R392 [医学免疫学];
Q939.91 [免疫学];
100102 ;
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have emerged as reservoirs of bovine tuberculosis in northern America. For tuberculosis surveillance of deer, antibody-based assays are particularly attractive because deer are handled only once and immediate processing of the sample is not required. Sera collected sequentially from 25 Mycobacterium bovis-infected and 7 noninfected deer were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunoblotting, and multiantigen print immunoassay (MAPIA) for immunoglobulin specific to M. bovis antigens. Various routes of experimental M. bovis infection, such as intratonsillar inoculation (n = 11), aerosol (n = 6), and exposure to infected deer (in contact, n = 8), were studied. Upon infection, specific bands of reactivity at similar to24 to 26 kDa, similar to33 kDa, similar to42 kDa, and similar to75 kDa to M. bovis whole-cell sonicate were detected by immunoblot. Lipoarabinomannan-specific immunoglobulin was detected as early as 36 days postchallenge, and responses were detected for 94% of intratonsillarly and "in-contact"- infected deer. In MAPIA, sera were tested with 12 native and recombinant antigens coated on nitrocellulose. All in-contact-infected (8 of 8) and 10 of 11 intratonsillarly infected deer produced antibody reactive with one or more of the recombinant/native antigens. Responses were boosted by injection of tuberculin for intradermal tuberculin skin testing. Additionally, three of six deer receiving a very low dose of M. bovis via aerosol exposure produced antibody specific to one or more recombinant proteins. M. bovis was isolated from one of three nonresponding aerosol-challenged deer. Of the 12 antigens tested, the most immunodominant protein was MPB83; however, a highly sensitive serodiagnostic test will likely require use of multiple antigens.
页码:849 / 855