Background: Generally, it remains measured that danger of carcinoma thyroid stays little in multinodular goiter (MNG) as associated to lonely node also henceforth remains ignored in numerous patients. Objective: The main objective of our research was to control incidence of thyroid carcinoma also file its histopathology designs amongst cases by MNG experienced finished thyroidectomy. Methodology: In this cross-sectional examination, audit therapeutic data of a hundred labored examples of thyroidectomy, for MNG from April 2014 to March 2016, in Surgery Department of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore and Services Hospital Lahore, have been penniless down. Economics, FNAC reports, kinds of medicinal method and histopathology reviews were investigated and examined. Data used to be entered in SPSS version 21. Results: This examination protected 89 (87%) ladies and thirteen (10%) male, with a imply time of 42.30 + 6.95 years. Carcinoma thyroid used to be reachable among 4 (4%) patients. Histopathology case of mischief amongst these patients used to be follicular in 3 (67.8%) patients and papillary in 2 (39.4%) patients. Insufficiency of FNAC for area of thyroid unsafe improvement was discovered in 2 (1.34%) tolerant. Full scale thyroidectomy was carried out in 86 (81%) patients, hard and speedy thyroidectomy with neck evisceration in 2 (2%) calm, subtotal in 14 (14%) patients and a re-do suggest thyroidectomy in 2 (1.34%) determined. Conclusion: Low repeat of thyroid hazard used to be seen among patients with MNG, but it used to be not unimportant. This moreover prevents the prerequisite for undue whole thyroidectomy as located in our examination. Insufficiency of FNAC for acknowledgment of thyroid danger in MNG was once moreover low, in this manner reliable