To produce social change, especially to obtain zero tolerance for violence against women (VAW) in Indonesia, collaborative work and strategies are needed among civil society organizations. This is illustrated in the work of several civil society organizations that focus on combating VAW in Indonesia through FPL (Forum Pengada Layanan untuk Perempuan Korban Kekerasan, Forum of Service Providers for Women Victims of Violence), a forum of NGOs for combating violence against women. At the local level, each organization implements its own strategies that use native wisdom and address local social political and cultural aspects. Women's empowerment is created via individual intervention, but it works slowly as community support is required. Combating violence against women cannot be achieved if males are not addressed properly. For this reason, engagement of males is important. Finally, all strategies should be framed through good policies, which allow victims of VAW to gain access to justice. This is why draft bills that work to stop sexual violence against women are initiated by many civil society organizations.