This study explores the major drivers of more exports revenue from regional markets irrespective of a fairly balanced firms' diversification into both regional and extra-regional markets. It focuses on export manufacturers in a relatively less researched context of low-income developing countries. Drawing on the interplay among three theoretical foundations and insights from multiple-case studies, research findings underpinning the explored phenomenon include: growing demand; lack of input materials to fulfil customer needs in high-income developed countries; own brand manufacturing; capability to overcome foreign competition; and more exports to the proximate regional markets. Only firms with higher capability to mobilise, use and upgrade idiosyncratic resources stand a better chance to generate exports revenue from high-value but competitive developed countries. Generally, these findings suggest that while firms need to build a strategic fit with competitive business environments, home countries need to improve their investment environments to attract competitive and well networked firms.
Univ Dar Es Salaam, Dept Gen Management, Business Sch, Dar Es Salaam, TanzaniaUniv Dar Es Salaam, Dept Gen Management, Business Sch, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania