Making an comparative study among three educational systems and their curricula on preparing teachers for preschool and primary education, it was noticed that at the end of the courses from Language and communication in Romanian/Italian or Spanish language, the students have to: knows the methodological bases of the study applied to the literature; possesses the use of the principals tools (philological, linguistic, critical) for the evaluation of a literary text; knows how to approach to the literary document, to understand its messages, to connect them to the historical and linguistic context in which has been produced, in an interdisciplinary perspective; knows how to propose a personal hypothesis on the teaching of the literary material, communicate information and ideas to interlocutory not experts, as they will be the recipients of the teaching, pupils from the 3 a 10 years. This teaching hopes to furnish, in respect to the ministerial directives and the European scheme of the superior education, "solid disciplinary knowledge related to the linguistic-literary circle": in the specific field, the knowledge of texts and problems of the Romanian/Italian or Spanish literature (inclusive the literature for the infancy) from the origins to our days, in the context of the European literature, and with the essential elements of the linguistics and Romanian/Italian/Spanish grammar; the all with a didactic approach also that holds account of the two orders of school (infancy and primary) which the course trains. Lessons would want to approach to the style of laboratory and the collective job (to discover together the texts and their meanings), and ease then the individual search. The examination it is oral and it consists in the reading-comment-exposure-organization of literary texts from various times. At the end of the course, the possibility will be given to the attending students to make the examination in written form, substitutive of the oral examination in case of positive result.