Scoliosis affects up to 6 % of the population. The resulting spine deformity, the increasing risk of back pain, cosmetic aspects, pulmonary disorders if the Cobb angle is > 80A degrees, and the progress of the deformity to > 50A degrees after the end of growth indicate non-operative or operative therapy. In daily clinical practice, the classifications of scoliosis allow the therapy to be adapted. Classifications consider deformity, topography of the scoliosis, and the age at diagnosis. This publication gives an overview of the relevant and most common classifications in the treatment of adolescent scoliosis. For evaluation, the deformity measurement on the coronary radiographic projection of the total spine (Cobb angle) is relevant to therapy. The classification of topography, form, and the sagittal profile of the deformity of the spine are useful for preoperative planning of the fusion level. Classifications that take into account the age at the time of the diagnosis of scoliosis differentiate among early onset scoliosis (younger than 10 years of age), adolescent scoliosis (up to the end of growth), and adult scoliosis. Early onset scoliosis is subdivided by age and etiology. Therapy is derived from the classification of clinical and radiological findings. Classifications that take into account clinical and radiological parameters are essential components of modern scoliosis therapy.