This article presents the results of a confirmatory factor analysis of the abbreviated Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI-45) in a group of female Slovak university students in helping professions, primarily social work. The CFNI-45 is used to assess the level of female conformity to feminine gender-role norms. Using a sample of 479 students, eight-and nine-factor models were estimated, as suggested in previous studies. Using the weighted least squares means and variance-adjusted estimation, the authors found evidence supporting the nine-factor model. In an internal consistency reliability analysis, the authors used Cronbach's a and ordinal a, as well as confidence intervals. In general, the results of this study provide further support for the merit of the CFNI-45 as an assessment tool for social work practice. However, due to lower standardized loadings, internal consistency reliability measures, and cross-loadings in exploratory factor analysis, the subscale Sweet and Nice and the subscale Relational should be reconsidered. Finally, the subscale Modesty did not seem to be a feminine norm.