E-sport is one of the most rapidly growing branches of modern entertainment. Many factors influence this rapid progress such as easy access to the broadcast of matches, free e-sport games, or enjoying the favourite match are just a few of them. Moreover, the regularly growing number of tournaments organized (both online and hosted in the largest sports halls in the world) makes more and more older people interested in this phenomenon. Apart from the pure entertainment aspect, electronic sports offer great business opportunities. Proper use of social media allows generating high financial results for investors. The paper is dedicated to the user's satisfaction from using social media profiles of e-sport organizations, teams, and players. The research covers the basic infotmation about e-sport, social media, and e-marketing forms on social media for e-sport organizations. This work aims to assess the factors influencing the feeling of satisfaction with the use of the social media profile. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of Perceived Profile Usefulness, Perceived Entertainment, Identification with Organization and Players, and satisfaction on users' Intention to Follow and Recommend social media profile of e-sport organization. The study tested and used the model in the context of social media profiles. The partial least square method of structural equation modelling is employed to test the proposed research model. The study utilizes an online survey to obtain data from 209 Polish e-sport enthusiasts (both players and spectators). The data set was analyzed using SmartPLS 3 software. The obtained results showed that the best predictor of users' Satisfaction is Integration with Organization and Players, followed by Perceived Entertainment. Satisfaction predicts users' Intention to Follow and Recommend the social media profile of e-sport organization. The findings improve understanding regarding the marketing actions in e-sport's social media profiles, and this work is therefore of particular interest to e-sport organizations, e-sport teams, and e-sport players.