In the current investigation, the enrichment of hydrogen with the honge biodiesel blend and diesel is used in a compression ignition engine. The biodiesel is derived from the honge oil and mixed with diesel fuel by 20% (v/v). Thereafter, hydrogen at different volume flow rates (10 and 13 lpm) is introduced into the intake manifold. The outcomes by enrichment of hydrogen on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics are investigated by examining the brake thermal efficiency, fuel consumption, HC, CO, CO2, NO emissions, in-cylinder pressure, combustion duration, and rate of heat release. The engine fuelled with honge biodiesel blend is found to enhance the thermal efficiency, combustion characteristics. Compare to diesel, the BTE increased by 2.2% and 6% less fuel consumption for the HB20 + 13H(2) blend. Further, reduction in the emission of exhausts gases like CO and HC by 21% and 24%, respectively, are obtained. This is due to carbon-free structure in hydrogen. Moreover, due to high pressure in the cylinder, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen emission compare to diesel. The combustion characteristics such as rate of heat release, combustion duration, and maximum (2)rate of pressure rise and in-cylinder pressure are high due to hydrogen. (C) 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.