Steel moment frame (MF) is one of the most prevalent and well researched steel seismic force resisting systems worldwide. However, efficiency and feasibility of using MF diminishes for large spans. In this paper, a recently developed steel seismic force resisting system, named buckling-restrained knee-braced truss moment frame (BRKBTMF), is suggested as a better alternative system. The BRKBTMF uses buckling-restrained knee-braces with open web trusses. In this paper, a four-story prototype office building was designed using both MF and BRKBTMF systems. Performance of the prototype building with different span lengths was systematically studied. The results show that BRKBTMF uses less structural steel, yet it performs better with lower structural damage, repair costs, and probability of collapse as compared with the MF for all span lengths and under all earthquake intensities considered. Hence, it is concluded that BRKBTMF is a viable and effective alternative seismic force resisting system for long-span applications. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.