Cardiovascular disease has become one of the main diseases threatening human life and health. This disease is very common and troublesome, and the existing medical resources are scarce, so it is necessary to use a computer-aided automatic diagnosis to overcome these limitations. A computer-aided diagnostic system can automatically diagnose through an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. This paper proposes a novel deep-learning method for ECG classification based on adversarial domain adaptation, which solves the problem of insufficient-labeled training samples, improves the phenomenon of different data distribution caused by individual differences, and enhances the classification accuracy of cross-domain ECG signals with different data distributions. The proposed method includes three modules: multi-scale feature extraction F, domain discrimination D, and classification C. The module F, constitutive of three different parallel convolution blocks, is constructed to increase the breadth of features extracted from this module. The module D is composed of three convolutional blocks and a fully connected layer, which is to solve the problem of low model layers and low-feature abstraction. In the module C, the time features and the deep-learning extraction features are concatenated on the fully connected layer to enhance feature diversity. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by experiments, and the classification accuracy of the experimental electrical signals reaches 92.3%.