Background: Many studies have shown roles of microRNAs on human disease and a number of computational methods have been proposed to predict such associations by ranking candidate microRNAs according to their relevance to a disease. Among them, machine learning-based methods usually have a limitation in specifying non-disease microRNAs as negative training samples. Meanwhile, network-based methods are becoming dominant since they well exploit a "disease module" principle in microRNA functional similarity networks. Of which, random walk with restart (RWR) algorithm-based method is currently state-of-the-art. The use of this algorithm was inspired from its success in predicting disease gene because the "disease module" principle also exists in protein interaction networks. Besides, many algorithms designed for webpage ranking have been successfully applied in ranking disease candidate genes because web networks share topological properties with protein interaction networks. However, these algorithms have not yet been utilized for disease microRNA prediction. Methods: We constructed microRNA functional similarity networks based on shared targets of microRNAs, and then we integrated them with a microRNA functional synergistic network, which was recently identified. After analyzing topological properties of these networks, in addition to RWR, we assessed the performance of (i) PRINCE (PRIoritizatioN and Complex Elucidation), which was proposed for disease gene prediction; (ii) PageRank with Priors (PRP) and K-Step Markov (KSM), which were used for studying web networks; and (iii) a neighborhood-based algorithm. Results: Analyses on topological properties showed that all microRNA functional similarity networks are small-worldness and scale-free. The performance of each algorithm was assessed based on average AUC values on 35 disease phenotypes and average rankings of newly discovered disease microRNAs. As a result, the performance on the integrated network was better than that on individual ones. In addition, the performance of PRINCE, PRP and KSM was comparable with that of RWR, whereas it was worst for the neighborhood-based algorithm. Moreover, all the algorithms were stable with the change of parameters. Final, using the integrated network, we predicted six novel miRNAs (i.e., hsa-miR-101, hsa-miR-181d, hsa-miR-192, hsa-miR-423-3p, hsa-miR-484 and hsa-miR-98) associated with breast cancer. Conclusions: Network-based ranking algorithms, which were successfully applied for either disease gene prediction or for studying social/web networks, can be also used effectively for disease microRNA prediction. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.