This paper proposes an efficient method to analyze scattering from an inhomogeneous body of revolution (BOR) with anisotropic electromagnetic properties. Both the permittivity and the permeability are assumed to be generalized tensors while there are no restrictions on the geometry of the BOR. The proposed method involves three stages. First, the volume equivalence principle is used to replace the BOR with volume electric and magnetic current densities. Requisite volume integral equations (VIEs) are, then, derived with the electric and magnetic flux densities inside the BOR being the unknown quantities. Finally, the VIEs are solved by Galerkin's method of moments. This is done by expanding the unknown flux densities in terms of appropriate basis functions compatible with the problem symmetry, and hence, reducing the integral equations to a matrix equation. The formation of the resultant matrix equation is elucidated in detail, whereby it is shown that the computation burden is remarkably reduced as no double volumetric-type integrals are to be computed. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing the simulation results of several case studies with those available in the literature, or computed by commercial numerical codes.