Background. A definitive management strategy for postoperative chylothorax remains elusive. We reviewed our experience in the management of chylothorax in children after congenital heart surgery. Methods. The case records of 51 patients, with a median age of 11 months ( range, 4 days to 19.6 years), diagnosed to have postoperative chylothorax between 1981 and 2004 were reviewed. The responses of patients to nutritional modifications, octreotide therapy, and surgical interventions were noted. Results. The prevalence of postoperative chylothorax, which developed at a median of 9 days after operation ( range, 0 to 24 days), was 0.85% ( 51 of 5,995). Four patients died, and among the 47 survivors the median duration and total volume of chylous drainage was 15 days ( range, 1 to 89 days) and 156 mL/kg ( range, 3 to 6,476), respectively. The duration of chyle output was significantly longer after the Fontan-type procedures ( p = 0.0006). Twenty-one patients were diagnosed between 1981 and 1999 and managed by nutritional modifications, 2 of whom required further surgical interventions. Of the 30 patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2004, 12 responded to nutritional modifications alone while 18 were started on octreotide therapy at a median of 19.5 days ( range, 7 to 35 days) after the onset of chylothorax. Fifteen of the 18 ( 83%) patients responded to octreotide therapy at 15.3 +/- 5.5 days after starting octreotide, while 3 required further surgical interventions. None developed side effects from octreotide therapy. Conclusions. Octreotide has been incorporated into the management algorithm of postoperative chylothorax and appears to be a useful adjunctive therapy.