The main objective of a root canal treatment is to get rid of bacteria inside the root canal treatment. Placement of an intracanal medicament is an integral step in the treatment procedure. Cytotoxicity is a characteristic of being toxic to cells.In some cases if the intracanal medicament extrudes beyond the root canal, it is seen to cause damage to the cells of the periapical tissues that subsequently lead to the damage or inflammation of the periapical region. This study aims at assessing the knowledge, attitude and practice among dental undergraduates on the cytotoxic effects of intracanal medicaments. A Knowledge, Attitude and Practice based survey was conducted in January 2020 among dental students (Third years, Final years, Interns). The questionnaire consisted of 10 Knowledge, awareness and practice based questions and were equally distributed among Third years, Final years, Interns. The total sample size was 150 dental students. The data collected was entered in an Excel sheet and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS version 20. From the responses obtained it was seen that 33.33% of the interns had a knowledge of intracanal medicaments being used whereas only 26.67% of final years and 10% of third years had a knowledge. 33.33% of the interns had used an intracanal medicament on the patient and only 26.67% of final years and 4.67% of third years had used a medicament. 21.33% of the final years said that they use an intracanal medicament for all patients whereas 20.67% of interns and 4% of third years have given a response of yes. 30.67% of interns, 22.67% of final years, 4.67% of third years knew the mechanism of action of the medicament. 33.33% of interns, 33.33% of final years and 8.67% of third years were aware of the term cytotoxicity. Chi square test shows p<0.05, significant. It was seen that Knowledge, awareness and practice on the cytotoxicity of intracanal medicaments was higher among interns, followed by the final years and then third years