Background: The article is devoted to the problem of conservation of the national culture in terms of modern global civilization. This problem is topical for many countries of the world for the reason of unification, dynamic migration and emigration processes and informational support. All these demand people's adaptation to the dominant culture and may lead to the disappearance of national languages. The research represents the analysis of the conditions and the current development of the national culture of the Siberian Tatars which is the ethnic unity with vivid regional specificity that has been formed under the influence of many historical, cultural and climatic conditions. The Siberian Tatars who live in Tobolsk (a city in Tyumen region, Russian Federation) took part in the research. 400 years ago the area of Tobolsk was a capital of the Siberian Khanate and it was the place of theii historical motherland. The Siberian Tatars is the second largest historical unity after the Russians that live in Tobolsk. They have a status of native population. The purpose of the article is to find out the level of awareness, acceptance and transmission of the Tatar culture by the Siberian Tatars. Methodology: The methodology of the research is based on the principles of modern social and humanitarian science. Thus, the historical method, scientific character and objectiveness are the characteristics of the article. The research is based on theoretical and empirical research methods. To prove objectiveness of the analysis and juxtapose the subject of the research the following theoretical methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematizing of the cultural and historical data. The empirical methods are the method of comparison, observation and description that allow defining the current state and conditions of the historical unity of Siberian Tatars. For analyzing the peculiarities of conservation of the national identity of the Siberian Tatars and the level of their identity, the historical and cultural and sociological analysis methods are used. The methods of sociological analysis are polls in the form of questionnaire designed to find out the level of use of elements of the national culture: language, folklore, traditions and celebrations; and the statistics method. Results: The results help to ascertain that the majority of Siberian Tatars are fully aware of their national culture and try to transmit traditions and celebrations, but not all of them can speak their national language and some of them don't know it at all. It is common for young generation under 40. For them the transmitting language of ethnic and cultural traditions of their culture is the state language which is Russian. This fact states that there is a problem of disappearance of one of the main elements of culture its language, and that the ethnicity is gradually dying out. Conclusions: The findings of the research help to understand the modern condition of national cultures in terms of globalization. The data that we got can become a basis for working out cultural and educational programs that strive to conserve the national identity in general and that of Siberian Tatars, as well as to make the culture popular and save the cultural heritage of the ethnic group.