The people, especially those living in urban conditions, are increasingly exposed to stress today due to the rush of life. Adverse environmental conditions and unbalanced nutrition have a negative effect not only on health, but also on the emotional state of people. The health of the nation is formed by the health of each person, which is described by their working capacity and active life. Therefore, the physical and moral health of people is a priority strategic object for observation for the State, because it directly influences the economic and political situation of the country and the development of the State as a whole. Wellness tourism is the most effective means for rehabilitation, recreation, and body health promotion. There is recreational tourism, the purpose of which is to promote health, recover, and develop physical and emotional strength. Recreation includes almost all types of recreation, especially health resort treatment and tourism. Therefore, support for the development of the health resort institutions in Russia is so important - they are responsible for the physical and moral health of the population. At the same time, the profit is known as the main basis for investment and further development of the organization. It must be noted that the optimal use of this potential is largely complicated by the lack of effective relationships in the "health resort organization - tour operator (travel agent) - consumer of the health resort product" structure at the moment. The effectiveness of the interaction among the agents in the health resort market depends not only on the ability to quickly mobilize potential resources, but also on the methods and tools that would contribute to the design, production, and promotion of new values of the health resort product.