Nowadays, many Muslim tourist who do travelling. One of the countries visited for travelling is Japan. Japan became the country's favorite foreign tourists visited by because Japan has a lot of tourist destinations, cultural, and culinary that attract many tourist. It is a concern for Muslim tourists who will visit Japan is having trouble finding Halal food. Eating Halal food is a must for a Muslim. Halal is an Arabic word which means lawful in Sharia, and refers to what a Muslim can eat satisfactorily. In general it is required to carry out the contraindications of pork, alcohol, and its derivative, and to be processed according to Sharia also about the other foods, and it is also forbidden that Halal food and the other food contact. Seeing the increasing number of Muslim tourists to Japan, the Japanese government start to provide a hospitality service to embrace more Muslim tourist through the concept of Muslim Friendly or Halal Tourism that the main point is to provide Halal food. With the availability of Halal food in Japan, they hope the Muslim tourist who come to Japan can enjoy the typical culinary of Japan without having to worry about the Halalness. Some of restaurants in Japan already had a halal logo that verified by Halal association in Japan, but there are also some restaurant in Japan that dont have the halal logo but they serve food that a Muslim can eat. This study uses a qualitative method. In order to obtain primary data using observation, survey, documentation and literature study. This study focuses on the development of Halal culinary in Japan, identified the major cities in Japan that has been providing Halal culinary, what kind of Halal Japanese culinary and find out if the availability of Halal culinary in Japan make Muslim tourist interested in visiting Japan.