Three kinds of diffusion samplers, conceived to perform long-term samplings in indoor sites are illustrated in this work. Two of them, in part deriving from the previous "Analyst for VOC" device extend the field of application up to the semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC), PAHs and nicotine in particular. A third device, which employs a basic barium hydroxide solution as an absorbing medium, is proposed for the determination of carbon dioxide levels which indicate the air change quality in the indoor sites. Laboratory and field experiments, performed in order to assess the reliability of the proposed devices, are shown. A monthly monitoring campaign, performed at three private apartments in Rome and its outskirts highlights that the indoor pollution levels are a complex function of various concurrent and opposite factors, like external air pollution, internal sources, air change rate and sink effect of surfaces, which contribute to depletion phenomena through adsorption and/or decomposition processes.