Managers of rangeland ecosystems require methods to track the condition of natural resources over large areas and long periods of time as they confront climate change and land use intensification. We demonstrate how rangeland monitoring results can be synthesized using ecological site concepts to understand how climate, site factors, and management actions affect long-term vegetation dynamics at the landscape-scale. Forty-six years of rangeland monitoring conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on the Colorado Plateau reveals variable responses of plant species cover to cool-season precipitation, land type (ecological site groups), and grazing intensity. Dominant C-3 perennial grasses (Achnatherum hymenoides, Hesperostipa comata), which are essential to support wildlife and livestock on the Colorado Plateau, had responses to cool-season precipitation that were at least twice as large as the dominant C-4 perennial grass (Pleuraphis jamesii) and woody vegetation. However, these C-3 perennial grass responses to precipitation were reduced by nearly one-third on grassland ecological sites with fine-rather than coarse-textured soils, and there were no detectable C-3 perennial grass responses to precipitation on ecological sites dominated by a dense-growing shrub, Coleogyne ramosissima. Heavy grazing intensity further reduced the responses of C-3 perennial grasses to cool-season precipitation on ecological sites with coarse-textured soils and surprisingly reduced the responses of shrubs as well. By using ecological site groups to assess rangeland condition, wewere able to improve our understanding of the long-termrelationships between vegetation change and climate, land use, and site characteristics, which has important implications for developing landscape-scale monitoring strategies. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Society for Range Management.