We have had to wait over 30 years since the naive Bayes model was first introduced in 1960 for the so-called Bayesian network classifiers to resurge. Based on Bayesian networks, these classifiers have many strengths, like model interpretability, accommodation to complex data and classification problem settings, existence of efficient algorithms for learning and classification tasks, and successful applicability in real-world problems. In this article, we survey the whole set of discrete Bayesian network classifiers devised to date, organized in increasing order of structure complexity: naive Bayes, selective naive Bayes, seminaive Bayes, one-dependence Bayesian classifiers, k-dependence Bayesian classifiers, Bayesian network-augmented naive Bayes, Markov blanket-based Bayesian classifier, unrestricted Bayesian classifiers, and Bayesian multinets. Issues of feature subset selection and generative and discriminative structure and parameter learning are also covered.