Aim. To identify predictors of the severe course of a new coronavirus infection.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 120 clinical case histories of patients hospitalized in hospitals in Tyumen with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 within one year (01.08.2020-01.08.2021) was carried out. The patients were divided into two groups: 1st - with a favorable outcome (n=96), 2nd - with an unfavorable (fatal) outcome (n=24). For a more complete analysis, scales for assessing the clinical condition of patients (SHOCK-COVID), severity assessment (NEWS2) were used. Information processing was carried out in the IBM.SPSS. Statistics-19 program (USA).Results. As a result of the study, the median age for the 1st group was significantly lower (58 years) than for patients of the 2nd group (69 years; p=0.029). A certain set of laboratory parameters for group 2 patients deviate significantly from the reference values (C-reactive protein - CRP - 7.6 [4.7; 15.2] mg/dl, D-dimer - 1.89 [1.36; 5.3] mcg/ml, ferritin - 605 [446.7; 792] ng/ml). When analyzed in groups, taking into account the main markers of the severity of the disease, using the V.Yu. Mareev CCAS-COVID (Clinical Condition Assessment Scale) scale, for the 1st group, the sum of the set of parameters was 6 [2; 7] points, which corresponds to the average severity of coronavirus infection, for the 2nd group 13 [9; 16] points - severe course. For patients of the 2nd group, a significant increase in the indicators of an unfavorable prognosis was revealed in comparison with the 1st group.Conclusion. Thus, in this study, the level of CRP, ferritin, D-dimer, the percentage of lung tissue damage according to computed tomography results, SaO2 were significantly associated with an unfavorable prognosis.