Within theminimal supersymmetric standardmodel, the amplitudes and total cross sections for the processes e (+) e (-) -> hh, e (+) e (-) -> hH, e (+) e (-) -> HH, and e (+) e (-) -> AA are calculated in the first order of perturbation theory with allowance for a complete set of one-loop diagrams in the m (e) -> 0 approximation. Analytic expressions are obtained for the quantities under consideration; numerical results are presented in a graphical form. It is shown that the cross section for the process e (+) e (-) -> hh is larger than those for the other processes (and is on the same order of magnitude as the cross section for the corresponding processes in the Standard Model). In the case of the collision energy equal to ass = 500 GeV, an integrated luminosity in the region a << a"' a parts per thousand yen 500 fb(-1), and a longitudinal polarization of the e (+) e - beams used, 520, 320, and 300 production events are possible in the processes e (+) e (-) -> hh (at M (h) = 115 GeV), e (+) e (-) -> HH, and e (+) e (-) -> AA (at M (H,A) = 120 GeV), respectively. Even at M (H,A) a parts per thousand 500 GeV and ass = 1.5 TeV, not less than 200 events for each of the processes can be accumulated. The cross section for the process e (+) e (-) -> hH is small (about 10(-2) fb), which complicates the detection of the sought signal significantly.