Steady laminar forced convection gaseous slip-flow through parallel-plates micro-channel filled with porous medium under Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium (LTNE) condition is studied numerically. We consider incompressible Newtonian gas flow, which is hydrodynamically fully developed while thermally is developing. The Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model embedded in the Navier-Stokes equations is used to model the flow within the porous domain. The present study reports the effect of several operating parameters on velocity slip and temperature jump at the wall. Mainly, the current study demonstrates the effects of: Knudsen number (Kn), Darcy number (Da), Forchheimer number (Gamma), Peclet number (Pe), Biot number (Bi), and effective thermal conductivity ratio (K-R) on velocity slip and temperature jump at the wall. Results are given in terms of skin friction (CfRe*) and Nusselt number (Nu). It is found that the skin friction: (1) increases as Darcy number increases; (2) decreases as Forchheimer number or Knudsen number increases. Heat transfer is found to (1) decreases as the Knudsen number, Forchheimer number, or K-R increases; (2) increases as the Peclet number, Darcy number, or Biot number increases.