The development of new binders, as an alternative to traditional cement, by the alkaline activation of industrial by-products (i.e. ground granulated slag and fly ash) is an ongoing research topic in the scientific community [Puertas F, Amat T, Jimenez AF, Vazquez T. Mechanical and durable behaviour of alkaline cement mortars reinforced with polypropylene fibres. Cem Concr Res 2003; 33(12): 2031-6]. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using and alkaline activated ground Turkish slag to produce a mortar without Portland cement (PC). Following the characterization of the slag, mortar specimens made with alkali-activated slag were prepared. Three different activators were used: liquid sodium silicate (LSS), sodium hydroxide (SH) and sodium carbonate (SC) at different sodium concentrations. Compressive and flexural tensile strength of alkali-activated slag mortar was measured at 7-days, 28-days and 3-months. Drying shrinkage of the mortar was measured up to 6-months. Setting times of the alkali-activated slag paste and PC paste were also measured. Setting times of LSS and SH activated slag pastes were found to be much slower than the setting time of PC paste. However, slag paste activated with SC showed similar setting properties to PC paste. LSS, SH and SC activated slag mortar developed 81, 29, and 36 MPa maximum compressive strengths, and 6.8, 3.8, and 5.3 MPa maximum flexural tensile strengths at 28-days. PC mortar developed 33 MPa compressive strength and 5.2 MPa flexural tensile strength. LSS and SH activated slag mortars were found to be more brittle than SC activated slag and PC mortars. Slag mortar made with LSS had a high drying shrinkage, up to six times that of PC mortar. Similarly, slag mortar made with SH had a shrinkage up to three times that of PC mortar. However, SC activated slag mortar had a lower or comparable shrinkage to PC mortar. Therefore, the use of SC as an activator for slag mortar is recommended, since it results in adequate strength, similar setting times to PC mortar and comparable or lower shrinkage. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.