Zinc status in 186 full term and preterm infants was determined at birth, and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of age along with determination of zinc levels in breast or formula to find out if routine zinc supplements ape needed during infancy. The leukocyte and plasma zinc levels in all breastfed infants were high at birth and gradually declined reaching lowest values by 4-6 months of age, and improved to normal levels by 9 months following weaning. The preterm infants however, had significantly (P < 0.05) higher leukocyte zinc (213.6 +/- 46.91 mu g/10(10) cells) at birth compared to term infants, Colostrum of all the mothers had higher zinc concentrations which declined to significantly lower levels in breastmilk by 4-6 months of lactation, corresponding to the age when the breastfed infants Rad lower zinc levels, The improvement of the levels to normal after weaning suggests that the fan in zinc status during early infancy could be a transient phenomenon which could be reversed by proper weaning, thus strengthening the plea for timely food supplements Father than thr need for single nutrient supplements. Formula-fed full term infants had significantly lower leukocyte zinc levels (49.3 +/- 2.59 mu g/10(10) cells) at 3 months of age compared to breastfed infants of the same age (92.8 +/- 14.04 mu g/10(10) cells). Even these infants improved their zinc status after weaning on par with breastfed infants. The functional significance of their transient, but low zinc values during early infancy needs to be investigated.