This study aims to investigate the effects of land use/cover change (LUCC) and climate change on wetland evapotranspiration (ET), and to identify the importance of the main effect factors in the spatiotemporal dynamics of ET. In the wetland of Liaohe River Delta, China, the ET of eight growing seasons during 1985-2017 was estimated using the surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) model with Landsat and meteorological data. Results show that the average relative error of regional ET estimated by the SEBAL model is 9.01%, and the correlation coefficient between measured and estimated values is 0.61, which indicates that the estimated values are reliable. This study observed significant spatial and temporal variations in ET across the region of interest. The distribution of the average and relative change rate of daily ET in the study area showed bimodal characteristics, that is, the lowest trough occurred in 2005, whereas crests occurred in 1989 and 2014. Simultaneously, the daily ET varied with the land use/cover area. Regional daily ET displays highly heterogeneous spatial distribution, that is, the ET of different land uses/cover types in descending order is as follows: water body, wetland vegetation, non-wetland vegetation, and non-vegetation (except water area). Therefore, the spatial pattern of ET is relevant to the land use/cover types to some extent. In addition, the temporal variation of wetland ET is closely related to landscape transformation and meteorological factor change. A strong correlation was found between ET and the weighted values of meteorological factors, with a correlation coefficient of 0.69. Meanwhile, the annual fluctuations of daily ET and the weighted values were relatively similar. Therefore, the findings highlight the importance of using cheap and readily available remote sensing data for estimating and mapping the variations in ET in coastal wetland.