The general aim of the present study was to assess the readiness of pharmacists from a low-income country to counsel patients about medical devices. This cross-sectional study was conducted among Sudanese pharmacists using a convenience sampling technique. An online survey was used to collect data using Google forms. The survey link was distributed to pharmacists using social media. The main outcomes were awareness, sources of information, self-rating of ability to use, and self-rating of confidence to counsel patients about medical devices. In total, 130 pharmacists responded to the online survey. Most respondents were aged 25-54 years (87.8%), and the proportion of males (53.8%) was slightly higher. Overall, the study revealed an acceptable level of preparedness to counsel patients about medical devices with better preparedness for some devices and less preparedness concerning others such as respirometers and implanted devices. Thermometers, weighing scales, syringes, and blood glucose and blood pressure monitors were reported as the most commonly used devices by pharmacists for their own treatment and were top-ranked in terms of their ability to be used and in terms of confidence to counsel patients. In conclusion, the Sudanese pharmacists surveyed in this study reported an acceptable readiness to counsel patients on medical devices. Overseas, board-certified pharmacists and those who received clinical training showed significantly better preparedness than other respondents.