The present study makes an attempt to investigate the soil-structure resonance effects on a structure based on dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) methodology by direct method configuration using 2D finite element method (FEM). The investigation has been focused on the numerical application for the four soil-structure models particularly adjusted to be in resonance. These models have been established by single homogenous soil layers with alternating thicknesses of 0, 25, 50, 75 m and shear wave velocities of 300, 600, 900 m/s-a midrise reinforced concrete structure with a six-story and a three-bay that rests on the ground surface with the corresponding width of 1,400 m. The substructure has been modeled by plane strain. A common strong ground motion record, 1940 El Centro Earthquake, has been used as the dynamic excitation of time history analysis, and the amplitudes, shear forces and moments affecting on the structure have been computed under resonance. The applicability and accuracy of the FEM modeling to the fundamental period of soils have been confirmed by the site response analysis of SHAKE. The results indicate that the resonance effect on the structure becomes prominent by soil amplification with the increased soil layer thickness. Even though the soil layer has good engineering characteristics, the ground story of the structure under resonance is found to suffer from the larger soil layer thicknesses. The rate of increment in shear forces is more pronounced on midstory of the structure, which may contribute to the explanation of the heavily damage on the midrise buildings subjected to earthquake. Presumably, the estimated moment ratios could represent the factor of safeties that are excessively high due to the resonance condition. The findings obtained in this study clearly demonstrate the importance of the resonance effect of SSI on the structure and can be beneficial for gaining an insight into code provisions against resonance.