In this paper, we comprehensively evaluated the utility of integrated long-term satellite-based precipitation and evapotranspiration products for drought monitoring over mainland China. The latest Integrated Multi-satelliteE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement V06 three Runs precipitation products, i.e., the near real-time Early Run (IMERG-E) and Late Run (IMERG-L) and the post-real time Final Run (IMERG-F), and the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model V3.3a (GLEAM) potential evapotranspiration (PET) products from 2001 to 2017 were considered. The accuracy of IMERG precipitation and GLEAM PET products was first evaluated against observed precipitation and Penman-Monteith method estimated PET, respectively, based on dense meteorological station network. The Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) calculated based on IMERG precipitation and GLEAM PET products (SPEIs, including SPEIE , SPEIL and SPEIF corresponding to IMERG-E, IMERG-L and IMERG-F, respectively) were then validated by using SPEI calculated based on meteorological data (SPEIm) at multiple temporal-spatial scales. Finally, four typical drought events were selected to analyse the ability of SPEIs to characterize the temporal-spatial evolution of drought situations. The results showed that the IMERG-F presents much better performance than IMERG-E and IMERG-L in terms of higher CC and smaller BIAS and RMSE values over mainland China. The GLEAM PET well simulated the change trend of reference PET, but generally underestimated reference PET in Northwest China (NW), Xinjiang (XJ) and Qinghai-Tibet plateau (TP). In general, the performances of SPEIs over eastern China and Southwest China (SW) were significantly superior to their performances in the NW, XJ, and TP regions. Even though the SPEIF performed the best, the SPEIE and SPEIL also performed reasonably well in some specific regions. SPEIs can well capture the temporal process and reasonably reflect the spatial characteristics for four typical drought events. It is thus highlighted that the latest IMERG precipitation (especially for IMERG-F) and GLEAM PET products could be used as alternative data sources for comprehensive drought monitoring, on account of the water balance principle over mainland China, particularly in eastern China and SW China. The outcomes of this study will provide valuable references for drought monitoring by integration of multi-source remote-sensing datasets in the GPM era.