Natural resources are vital to the existence and development of human society. With the rapidity of globalization, natural resources are the focus of global competition. The resource corporate mainly relies on natural resources, and makes great impact on the environment and society. Therefore, social development demands the resource corporate to shoulder the responsibility, which is also necessary for sustainable development. Beginning with a brief review on the background and research of social responsibility, the article, from the perspective of stakeholders, illustrated the meaning of social responsibility, and the strategies for the resource corporate to select: resistance strategy, passive submission strategy, adjustment strategy, selection strategy, and leading strategy. The article pointed out that such resource corporate as petrol, coal, and nonferrous metal are pioneers in resource industry, therefore, should execute leading strategy, that other resource corporate should execute selection strategy or adjustment strategy, and abandon resistance strategy and passive submission strategy. Besides, the article offered some advice for the resource corporate in selection strategies to promote the sustainable development.