Objective: To develop and assess content and interface of website on sexuality and sexually transmitted infection prevention for Catholic teenagers. Methods: A research on methodological and technological development, whose stages of assessment on the website were: development, assessment and distribution. The development included the analysis and planning phases; modeling; establishment and assessment of the website. The assessment consisted of the judgment of 19 participants, with ten judges in content, four in the area of computing and design, and five teenagers. Finally, there was distribution for online free access. Results: The website Papo de Adolescente (Teen Chat) was developed, which addressed the contents of religion, adolescence, sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV/AIDS, prevention and main doubts. The overall content rating index attributed by judges who knew the topic was 0.88 and, by the judges in the area of computing and design, 0.70. After the analysis, suggestions and readjustments were incorporated into the website, such as the reorganization of the design and the contents on adolescence, sexuality and Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV/AIDS, in addition to the rewriting of the text on Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV/AIDS regarding the criteria of authorship, first impression, ease of navigation and use of graphics. The website was rated by teenagers, who rated it as 0.94 overall. Conclusion: The website presented an assessment of its content and adequate interface, to address sexuality and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections with Catholic teenagers.