This study aimed at analyzing the dynamic, the structure and the sanitary importance of phytoplankton in a vertical profile at Paranoa Lake central region, Federal District, Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly from October 2009 to September 2010, in six depths. Three distinct phases were identified, concerning mixing pattern: stratification (October 2009 to May 2010), mixing in (June to September 2010), transition (September 2010). Total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations and algal biomass were relatively low, classifying Paranoa Lake as an oligotrophic reservoir. In opposite, total nitrogen nd functional groups were typical of mesotrophic environments. Altogether, 94 phytoplanktonic taxa were found, among 10 taxonomic classes, especially centrales diatoms, chlorophyceans and cyanobacteria. Thirteen functional groups were identified, with emphasis on C,J, F, X2, K and Si. During mixing and transition months there was an increase in diatom biomass (group C). On the vertical profile, there was a trend of K and S1 groups to locate at surface layers during warmer months. Considering the sanitary approach, this study reported algal taxa that can potentially promote odor and taste in the water (e.g., diatoms, cryptophytes, cyanobacteria) or cause filter clogging at water treatment plants (e.g., diatoms). Moreover, cyanobacterial taxa (e.g., Aphanocapsa and Planktolyngbya) were reported under densities that already point out the need of monitoring intensification and cyanotoxin analysis, according to the MS Ordinance number 2,914/2011.