In many ways, LEADER has been a very significant intervention in Spain. Prior to LEADER, rural development policy was almost completely unknown and, for this reason alone, LEADER represented a new force in rural affairs. The invitation to form territorial collaborations was also novel and local actors were quick to perceive it as an important political tool with which to tackle both the problems of rural areas and the challenges presented by the new roles being assigned to the rural world. Furthermore, LEADER has subsequently produced material, local impacts through its ability to generate investment in development projects. The progress of LEADER has been refracted through the institutional conditions of the politico-administrative system. LEADER has been used as a political power tool by the various levels. leading to confrontations in order to gain control over the programme. Nevertheless, awareness and acceptance of the deeper philosophy behind LEADER has been gaining ground so that it is increasingly acknowledged as a powerful tool for the promotion of rural development in general and for the animation of local, collective action. It would be inaccurate to describe LEADER as a 'great success.' Rather, it has started an incipient process in which a new democratic and cooperative culture in rural areas is being created and in which rural entrepreneurs are acquiring an enhanced capacity for decision making.