Background: South Africa (SA) has a growing multilingual and multicultural population of approximately 55 million people, and faces service delivery challenges due to a shortage in skilled health professionals. Many health care facilities still depict distinct racial and ethnic characteristics that date back to the apartheid era, and there are reports of racial intolerance or preferential treatment at some facilities. There is limited literature in South Africa on cultural competence or on how to train health professionals to provide culturally competent care. This paper describes a study conducted to gain a better understanding of final year medical students' perceptions regarding concepts related to cultural and linguistic competence in the SA healthcare setting. Methods: An exploratory, cross-sectional, analytical study used a questionnaire to collect data from final year students at the medical school. Results: The demographic profile indicated considerable diversity in the respondents for languages spoken, ethnicity and religion. Responses indicated a level of cultural awareness and, according to the Cross Framework, a position of cultural pre-competence. This position was supported by the majority expressing high levels of agreement with the items deemed to indicate responsiveness: a desire for cultural competence to be promoted in the medical curriculum and for professional development to improve delivery of services and support to linguistically and culturally diverse groups. No significant association was found when analysing the latter item against demographic grouping variables. However, although not significant, a diminishing trend emerged in the rankings of monolingualism, bilingualism and multilingualism, suggesting that the ability to speak more than one language could possibly be a facilitating factor in acquiring cultural competence. Conclusions: In response, it is recommended that specific learning objectives be included in the medical curriculum. Understanding of concepts related to both individual and institutional cultural competence would improve insights into their relevance in responding to the challenges related to culture in SA healthcare. Further research in teaching cultural competence is recommended. In order to respond to local needs, this should include research at a community level to analyse patients' perspectives and satisfaction with the cultural competence of healthcare providers and organisations serving the SA public.