The main aim of this research was to introduce a green and clean method of increasing the nutritional quality while preserving the quality of extruded maize snacks. This was achieved by addition of soybean flour (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, w/w) as a source of plant protein, fibre and bioactive compounds and changing the feed moisture content. Extruded samples were produced using a single-screw extruder. Increasing the soybean flour and feed moisture content resulted in reduced specific mechanical energy of the extruder and consequently several changes in physicochemical properties of the snacks including higher moisture content, lower expansion and volume, reduced crispiness, reduction in L-and a-values but an increase in b-value and formation of more wrinkly and thicker air bubbles cell walls as observed under scanning electron microscope. The addition of <20% soybean flour and feed moisture content resulted in snacks with improved nutritional value and physical properties.