In many birds, populations breeding at higher latitudes have larger clutch sizes. It has been hypothesized that this relationship results from the greater availability of food at higher latitudes. We examined geographic variation in clutch size of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in relation to latitude, longitude, laying date, breeding density, elevation, and summer actual evapotranspiration (AE). AE is a measure of terrestrial primary productivity, and we assumed that it was correlated with resource abundance. Clutch size data were compiled from nest records throughout the breeding range in the United States and Canada (n = 7,459). Summer AE estimates were made from long-term climatological records, and breeding density was estimated from Breeding Bird Surveys. All variables were averaged for each 1 degrees block of latitude and longitude (n = 85 latilong blocks). We found a strong positive relationship between clutch size and latitude. Absolute levels of resource abundance (summer AE) were not related to clutch size but were related inversely to latitude and longitude. After controlling for the effects of confounding variables, clutch size was related positively to latitude and relative resource abundance (summer AE after controlling for breeding density). Our results are consistent with Ashmole's hypothesis that relative, rather than absolute, levels of resource abundance determine at least some of the variation in clutch size.