This article intends to make evident that the use of an electronic portfolio promotes self-regulated learning and encourages autonomy, motivation, self-evaluation and self-reflection on students ' learning process. Self-regulated learning is a complex construct which has been studied by numerous scientific research. Kramarski and Michalsky [1] believe that it can be developed through participation in experiences and environments that provide the opportunity for students to regulate their own learning. The electronic language portfolio is an excellent way to aid in the teaching and learning of foreign languages as well as to provide a means to accurately assess language ability in a more dynamic and multidimensional way than simple test results. Besides being a cutting-edge assessment tool used by numerous educational institutions, an electronic portfolio teaches students how to organize better the material that they wish to acquire, evaluate their own knowledge, determine their long and short term objectives, as well as identify strategies to reach those goals. It promotes management and planning strategies. The language portfolio is well recognized internationally, both by all the members of the European Council, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, the United States as well as in Canada, and has been the impetus behind various projects.