Through theory supported by numerical simulations, we examine the induced local and long range response flows resulting from the momentum flux divergence associated with with a two-dimensional Boussinesq internal gravity wavepacket in a uniformly stratified ambient. Our theoretical approach performs a perturbation analysis that takes advantage of the separation of scales between waves and the amplitude envelope of a quasi-monochromatic wavepacket. We first illustrate our approach by applying it to the well-studied case of deep water surface gravity waves, showing that the induced flow, U-DF, resulting from the divergence of the horizontal momentum flux is equal to the Stokes drift. For a localized surface wavepacket, u(DF) is itself a divergent flow and so there is the well-known non-local response manifest in the form of a deep return flow beneath the wavepacket. For horizontally periodic and vertically localized internal wavepackets, the divergent-flux induced flow, u(DF), is found from consideration of the vertical gradient of the vertical flux of horizontal momentum associated with the waves. Because u(DF) is itself a non-divergent flow field, this accounts entirely for the wave-induced flow; there is no response flow. Our focus is upon internal wavepackets that are localized in the horizontal and vertical. We derive a formula for the divergent-flux induced flow that, as in this case of surface wavepackets, is itself a divergent flow. We show that the response is a horizontally long internal wave that translates vertically with the wavepacket at its group velocity. Scaling relationships are used to estimate the wavenumber, horizontal extent, and amplitude of this induced long wave. At higher order in perturbation theory we derive an explicit integral formula for the induced long wave. Thus, we provide validation of Bretherton's analysis of flows induced by two-dimensional internal wavepackets [F. P. Bretherton, "On the mean motion induced by gravity waves," J. Fluid Mech. 36, 785-803 (1969)] and we provide further analyses that give intuitive insights into the physics governing the properties of the induced long wave. In particular, consistent with momentum conservation, we show that the horizontally-integrated horizontal flow associated with the long wave is given exactly by the horizontal integral of u(DF). However, qualitatively different from horizontally periodic internal waves, the vertical profile of the induced horizontal flow across the horizontally localized wavepacket is positive at the leading edge and negative at the trailing edge. These results are validated by the results of numerical simulations of a Gaussian wavepacket initialized in an otherwise stationary ambient. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.