Composting is a microbiological process that converts organic waste into organic soil amendment. We reveal enhanced biodiversity and microbial population with subsequent enhancement of composting efficiency of lignocellulosic waste using thermoacidophilic effective microorganisms (tEM). Composting with tEM + shading (tEMA) or tEM without shading (tEMB) increased the average microbial population by 12.0% or 6.7%, respectively compared to non-tEM composting without shading/control (C). The biodiversity in tEMA or tEMB treated groups was increased by 34.7% or 43.7%, respectively, compared to C. The highest increase in population (31.7% and 9.4%) and diversity (91.2% and 91.6%) were observed in tEMA and tEMB at 30 d, respectively. Regarding microbial structure, the most dominant phylum shifted from Proteobacteria to Bacteroidetes during composting. From 60 to 120 d, tEM notably improved the average abundance of Firmicutes (mainly Bacillus) by 166.7% and 75.8% in tEMA and tEMB groups, respectively. The overall gradation rate of large compost granules (<2 mm) increased by 36.4% and 24.7%, following tEMA and tEMB treatment, respectively. The average rate of increase in bulk density was 42.6% or 33.3% by tEMA or tEMB, respectively, compared to C. We reveal the major differences in microbial structure, including a higher abundance of beneficial microbes like Bacillus in tEM treated composts. The study revealed that tEM could improve biodiversity and population of microbes, especially during thermophilic phase (above 45 degrees C), with a subsequent increase in composting rate, mineralization, and product quality. The results of this study are particularly invaluable in the areas of environmental conservation and organic agriculture.