The human papillomavirus (HPV) potentially affects every sexually active man in the United States and Canada. In 2017, the vaccine became publicly funded in Canada for males ages 9-26, and was integrated into school vaccination programs. In 2019, HPV vaccination was recommended as routine for all U.S.-based males and females ages 9 through 26, and a shared decision for adults >26 years; however, since the approval of the vaccine in 2006 for females only, the age and dosing recommendations for males have followed a complicated and changing trajectory. Current adherence rates are low among college and university age males (18-26 years); therefore, understanding and addressing the barriers and facilitators for men's HPV vaccination is critically important. The purpose of the current scoping review is to provide a synthesis of recent literature pertaining to HPV in college and university age men, as a means to guiding health-care providers (HCPs). Drawing from 15 published articles, three thematic findings were inductively derived. Theme one, lack of awareness, was underpinned by men's knowledge deficits about their eligibility for, and the availability of HPV vaccines. Theme two, underestimating and embodying risk, included men's engagement in sexual activities while misinformed or denying the risk for contracting HPV. The third theme, strategies for increasing men's awareness, summarizes messaging strategies used to lobby young men to vaccinate. The review findings indicate gender-sensitive interventions targeting college-age men, including early, frequent, and consistent messaging on HPV are key.