As part of the European project "high and ultrahigh temperature heat exchangers" (HITHEX) the prediction and experimental assessment of the lifetime behaviour, characterisation and qualification of particular CIVIC materials, including carbon fibre reinforced carbon-siliconcarbides (C/C-SiC), has been executed. Part of the programme of the HITHEX project was the measurement of the strain development within the C/C-SiC tubular specimens from room to high temperature, the results of which are presented here. Residual strains have been determined in several specimens by neutron diffraction at the High Flux Reactor (HFR) of the Joint Research Centre in Petten, The Netherlands. At the HFR two facilities are available for residual strain investigations. Both instruments were utilised in the investigations. The first facility at beam tube HB5, the combined stress and powder diffractometer, employs a constant neutron wavelength of 0.257 nm, and the second facility at HB4, the Large Component Neutron diffraction facility, LCNDF, has a flexible wavelength. The installation of a vacuum furnace has enabled the residual strain measurement of specimens at high temperature on HB4. The furnace had to fulfil three main criteria for the investigation of these specimens; high-temperature, good neutron penetration and negligible oxidation of the specimens. The ceramic specimens, which have outer and inner diameters of 50 and 40 mm, respectively, and a length of 100 mm have been measured to temperatures of up to 1450 degrees C. Measurements were carried out in two directions on the SiC phase of several specimens, i.e. in the radial and tangential (hoop) directions. The implications of these results with respect to the structural integrity assessment of these components at high temperatures are discussed.