The Indian species of the encyrtid genus Cheiloneurus are revised. A total of 32 species are recognized from India, including 9 species which are described as new. Also 6 species are placed in synonymy, and 5 species are recorded for the first time from India. The species recorded for the first time from India are: gonatopodis, chrysopae, latiscapus, saissetiae, and malayensis. The species placed in synonymy are the following with their senior synonyms mentioned in brackets: angustifrons Fatima & Shafee (bangalorensis), montanus Kaul & Agarwal (latifrons), brevipennis Fatima & Shafee (yasumatsui), albifuniculus Hayat et al. (latiscapus), insulus Kaul & Agarwal (saissetiae), indicus Singh & Agarwal (nigricornis). A key to the Indian species is also given. Species of this genus are generally hyperparasitoids on other hymenopteran primary parasitoids of mainly coccoids. The tribe Cheiloneurini is considered a synonym of Ectromatini.